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It’s about time we all remember the faith that got us here. To be clear here just to remind us of our intrinsic unity and similarity, not to form anything NEW.
ла илаха иллаллах HaShem Al-Ilāh

The term “non-denominational” ideally signifies an inclusive approach that embraces all individuals, regardless of their specific religious affiliations. However, it has often evolved to imply a narrower interpretation. The concept of a singular deity—encapsulated in the belief of “One God”—reinforces that there is fundamentally one divine entity, despite the diverse expressions of worship and prayer across various traditions. Ultimately, these differences in practice reflect the multifaceted nature of faith rather than a divergence in the essence of the divine.
The “one God” is undeniably the sovereign Creator of all that exists. SO…
God of all things- Clothing is here just to remind us of our intrinsic unity and similarity.